26 Mayıs 2019 Pazar

Baby Elephant Free Pattern

Baby Elephant
Free English Pattern
Pattern: Irina Podolyuk
English translation: @samyelidesign

Yarn: Himalaya Dolphin Baby
Hook: 4 mm
Eyes: 12 mm

st: stitch
mr: magic ring
sc: single crochet
inc: increase (2 sc in the next st)
dec: decrease
dc: double crochet
BLO: Back loop only
( )*6 :  Repeat whatever is between the brackets the number of times stated
Start with gray color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7-9) sc in each st around (36)
10) 6 inc, 6 sc, 6 inc, 18 sc (48)
11-13) sc in each st around (48)
14) 6 dec, 6 sc, 6 dec, 18 sc (36)
15) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
16) ( sc, dec)*10 (20)
Fasten off
Place eyes between round 8th and 9th leaving 6 sts between them

Start with gray color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) (sc, inc)*3 (9)
3) BLO, sc in each st around (9)
4-5) sc in each st around (9)
6) (2 sc, inc)*3 (12)
7-9) sc in each st around (12)
Fill with the fiberfill, connect the edges 6 sc
10) dec, 2 sc, dec (6)
sew the trunk on rows 9-11

EARS:(2 pcs)
first part:
Start with gray color
1) 5 ch, return, starting from chain 2nd: 4 sc (4), return
2) 1 ch, 2 inc, 2 sc (6) , return
3) 1 ch, 4 sc, inc, sc (7), return
4) 1 ch, sc, inc, 5 sc (8), return
5) 1 ch, inc, 5 sc, inc, sc (10), return
6) 1 ch, sc, inc, 7 sc, inc (12), return
7- 9) sc in each st around (12)
Second part:
Start with gray color
1) 5 ch, return, starting from chain 2nd: 4 sc (4), return
2) 1 ch, 2 inc, 2 sc (6) , return
3) 1 ch, 4 sc, inc, sc (7), return
4) 1 ch, sc, inc, 5 sc (8), return
5) 1 ch, inc, 5 sc, inc, sc (10), return
6) 1 ch, sc, inc, 7 sc, inc (12), return
7- 8) sc in each st around (12)
Two parts will be overlapping and single crochets to be made edges with gray color.

Start with gray color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7) (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
8-14) sc in each st around (42) (7 rnds)
15) (12 sc, dec)*3 (39)
16) (11 sc, dec)*3 (36)
17) sc in each st around (36)
18) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
19) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
20-22) sc in each st around (24)
23) (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)

LEGS/ARMS: (4 pcs)
Start with gray color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) 2 dc popcorn, BLO sc, 2 dc popcorn, BLO sc, 2 dc popcorn, BLO 7 sc (12)
4-5) sc in each st around (12)
6) (2 dc, dec)*3 (9)
7-9) sc in each st around (9)
10) (2 dc, inc)*3 (12)
11) sc in each st around (12)
12) 6 dec (6)

Start with gray color, 8 ch

25 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi


Merhaba amigurumi sevenler ...
Bu gökkuşağı boynuzlu at'ın  tarifini İngilizce çevrimden sonra Türkçe'ye de çevirdim.
 Bu güzel tarifi ücretsiz paylaşan sevgili @androsova_toys a teşekkür ederiz.
Türkçe Çeviri @samyelidesign

iplik: Farklı renklerde YarnArt Jeans (Alize coton gold, Gazzal Baby Cotton, vb.)
Tığ: 2 ve 2.5 mm
Gözler: 8 veya 10 mm
zn: zincir
sh: sihirli halka
x: sık iğne
v: artırma
a: azaltma
bubble: aynı yere 5 tane ikili trabzan yapıp, 5'ini birden toplamak
ss: ilmek kaydırma
BLO: arka lobtan örmek
FLO: ön lobtan örmek
hdc: teklif tırabzan
dc: ikili tırabzan
( )*6 : parantezin içine dışındaki sayı kadar tekrar etmek

Ana renk ile başla
1)sh içerisine 6x (6)
2) 6v (12)
3) (x, v)*6 (18)
4) (2x, v)*6 (24)
5) (3x, v)*6 (30)
6) 30x (30)
7) (4x, v)*6 (36)
8) 36x (36)
9) (5x, v)*6 (42)
10-11) 42x (42)
12) 15x, popcorn, 1 zn, 10x, popcorn, 1 zn,15x (44)
13) 16x, a, 10x, a, 14x (42)
14) 42x (42)
15) (5x, a,)*6 (36)
16-18) 36x (36)
19) (5x, v)*6 (42)
20) 42x (42)
21) (6x, v)*6 (48)
22) 48x (48)
23) (7x, v)*6 (54)
24) 54x (54)
25) (8x, v)*6 (60)
26-30) 60x (60) (5 rnds)
Kafanın 21-22. sıraları arasına gözleri takılacak ve aralarında 10x olacak.
Yavaş yavaş başını doldurmaya başla.
31) (8x, a)*6 (54)
32) 54x (54)
33) (7x, a)*6 (48)
34) 48x (48)
35) (6x, a)*6 (42)
36) 42x (42)
37) (5x, a)*6 (36)
38) (4x, a)*6 (30)
39) (3x, a)*6 (24)
40) (2x, a)*6 (18)
41) (x, a)*6 (12)
42) 6a (6)
İnce siyah iplik ile kirpik yap.
KULAKLAR: (2 tane)
Ana renkle başla
1)sh içerisine 6x (6)
2) (x, v)*3 (9)
3) (2x, v)*3 (12)
4) 12x (12)
5) (3x, v)*3 (15)
6-7) 15x (15)
8) (3x, a)*3 (12)
9) 12x 12)
Kapatın, dikiş için ip bırakın.
Turkuaz renk ile başlayın.
1) sh içerisine 6x (6)
2) 6x (6)
3) (x, v)*3 (9)
4-5) 9x (9)
6) (2x, v)*3 (12)
7-8) 12x (12)
9) (3x, v)*3 (15)
10-11) 15x (15)
12) (4x, v)*3 (18)
13) 9x (9), (sıranın kalan ilmeklerini örme)
AYAKLAR: (2 tane)
Turkuaz renk ile başlayın.
1) sh içerisine 6x (6)
2) 6v (12)
3) (x, v)*6 (18)
4) (2x, v)*6 (24)
5) (3x, v)*6 (30)
6) (4x, v)*6 (36)
7-9) 36x (36)
Sarı renkli iple devam et
10) (4x, a)*6 (30)
11-12) 30x (30)
Pembe renkli iple devam et
13) (3x, a)*6 (24)
14) 24x (24)
15) (2x, a)*6 (18)
Bacağın alt kısmı sıkıca doldur, bacağın geri kalanı örme işlemi sırasında hafifçe doldur.
Ana renk ile devam et.
16-36) 18x (18) (21 sıra)
İkiye katla, 9x
Kapat, dikiş için ip bırak.
ELLER: (2 tane)
Turkuaz renk ile başlayın.
1) sh içerisine 6x (6)
2) 6v (12)
3) (x, v)*6 (18)
4) (2x, v)*6 (24)
5-7) 24x (24)
Sarı renkli ip ile devam et.
8) 24x (24)
9) (2x, a)*6 (18)
10) 18x (18)
Pembe renkli ip ile devam et.
11-12) 18x (18)
13) a, 16x (17)
Ellerin alt kısmı sıkıca doldur, geri kalanı örme işlemi sırasında hafifçe doldur.
14-15) 17x (17)
16) a, 15x (16)
17-18) 16x (16)
19) a, 14x (15)
20-21) 15x (15)
22) a, 13x (14)
23-24) 14x (14)
25) a, 12x (13)
26-32) 13x  (13) (7 sıra)
33) a, 11x (12)
34) 12x (12)
İkiy katla, 6x
Dikiş için ip bırak.
Start with white color (main color)
1) sh içerisine 6x (6)
2) 6v (12)
3) (x, v)*6 (18)
4) (2x, v)*6 (24)
5) (3x, v)*6 (30)
6-9) 30x (30)
10) 4x, v, (8x, v)*5, 4x (60)
11) (9x, v)*2, ayakla birlikte 9x, v, ayakla birlikte 9x, v, (9x, v)*2 (66)
12-18) 66x (66) (7 sıra)
19) (9x, a)*6 (60)
20) BLO 60x (60)
21-22) 60x (60)
23) 4x, a, (8x, a)*5, 4x (54)
24-27) 45x (54) (4 sıra)
Ördükçe vücudu doldur.
Oturabilmesi için alt kısmı hafif doldur.
28) (7x, a)*6 (48)
29-30) 48x (48)
31) 3x, (6x, a)*5, 3x (42)
32-35) 42x (42) (4 sıra)
36) (5x, a)*6 (36)
37-39) 36x (36)
40) 2x, (4x, a)*5, 2x (30)
41-42) 30x (30)
43) 6x, kol ile birlikte 6x, 10x, kol ile birlikte 6x, 2x (30)

44) (3x, a)*6 (24)
45-48) 24x (24) dön
Ayraç arka ortada olacak:
49) 16x, aynı ilmeğe x ve hdc, hdc, 3 dc, aynı ilmeğe 2 dc, 2 dc (26)
50) dc, aynı ilmeğe 2 dc, 3 dc, hdc, aynı ilmeğe x ve hdc, x, ss (10)
Kapat, dikiş için ip bırak.
İstenilen bir renkle, 20. sıradaki FLO'dan ipi takarak başlayın.
1) 2 zn, (aynı ilmeğe 2 dc)*60, ss (120)
2) 2 zn, (3 dc, aynı ilmeğe 2 dc)*30, ss (150)
3) 2 zn, (4 dc, aynı ilmeğe 2 dc)*30, ss (180)
Ana renk ile devam et
4) 1 zn, 180x, ss (180)
Elbise rengi ile devam et
5-6) 2 zn, 180 dc, ss (180)
(Daha uzun bir etek isteniyorsa sarı sayısı artırılabilir.)
Ana renk ile devam et
7) 1 zn, 180x, ss (180)
8) (3 zn, 1 atla, x)*sıra sonuna kadar tekrar et
Bitir, ipi gizle.
KAKÜL: (1 tane)
50 zn, 2. Zn ile başlayarak zincirin her halkasında ss, ipi kırmadan tekrar 50 zn çekilir ve aynı işlem aşağıdaki zincir sayıları ile 10 bukle olacak şekilde tekrar edilir.
YELE: (8 tane)
50 zn, 2. zn ile başlayarak zincirin her halkasında ss, ipi kırmadan tekrar 50 zn çekilir ve aşağıdaki zincir sayıları ile 9 bukle olacak şekilde tekrar edilir

KUYRUK: (6 tane)
45 zn, 2. zn ile başlayarak zincirin her halkasında ss, ipi kırmadan tekrar 45 zn çekilir ve aşağıdaki zincir sayıları ile 4 bukle olacak şekilde tekrar edilir.

Decoration and ASSEMBLIES:

Bitirdiğiniz projeleri Instagram'da aşağıdaki etiketlerden paylaşınız.

23 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

MİSHUTKA THE BEAR Free English Pattern

Hello amigurumi lovers ...
I share this cute bear's pattern with you in English :)
I would like to thank OLGA ZİMİNA owner of the pattern that allows to share.
English Translation  @samyelidesign

*Yarn: YarnArt Jeans or Gazzal baby cotton or cotton yarn
*Hook: 1,75 mm
*Eyes: 10 mm
*black color yarn

st: stitch
mr: magic ring
sc: single crochet
inc: increase (2 sc in the next st)
dec: decrease
BLO: Back loop only
dc: double crochet
( )*6 :  Repeat whatever is between the brackets the number of times stated

Start with brown color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7) (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
8) (6 sc, inc)*6 (48)
9) (7 sc, inc)*6 (54)
10) (8 sc, inc)*6 (60)
11) (9 sc, inc)*6 (66)
12-23) sc in each st around (66) (12 rnds)
Place eyes between round 15th and 16th leaving 8 sts between them
24) (9 sc, dec)*6 (60)
25) (8 sc, dec)*6 (54)
26) (7 sc, dec)*6 (48)
27) (6 sc, dec)*6 (42)
28) (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
29) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
Fill with the fiberfill
30) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
31) (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
32) (sc, dec)*6 (12)
33) 6 dec (6)
Fasten off, leave a tail for sewing and cut the yarn
Start with yellow color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6-8) sc in each st around (30) (3 rnds)
Fasten off, leave a tail for sewing.

Start with yellow color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) sc in each st around (18)

Start with brown color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5-6) sc in each st around (24)
Two parts will be overlapping and single crochets to be made around with brown color.

LEGS: (2 pcs)
Start with cream color
1) 7 ch, starting from the 2nd ch st crochet around the chain like: inc, 4 sc, 6 sc in next stitch, 4 sc, inc (18)
2) 2 inc, 4 sc, 6 inc, 5 sc, inc (27)
3) (sc, inc)*2, 4 sc, (sc, inc)*6, 6 sc, inc (36)
Continue with brown color
4) 2 sc, inc, 11 sc, (sc, inc)*4, 13 sc, inc (42)
5-7) sc in each st around (42)
8) 12 sc, (dec, sc)*6, 12 sc (36)
9) sc in each st around (36)
10) 13 sc, 6 dec, 11 sc (30)
11) 10 sc, 6 dec, 8 sc (24)
12) 11sc, 2 dec, 9 sc (22)
13-15) sc in each st around (22)
16) 6 sc, inc, 10 sc, inc, 4 sc (24)
17) sc in each st around (24)
18) 7 sc, inc, 11 sc, inc, 4 sc (26)
19) sc in each st around (26)
Change the color of the yarn color shorts
20) 8 sc, inc, 12 sc, inc, 4 sc (28)
21) BLO, sc in each st around (28)
22) sc in each st around (28)
Fasten off.
Cut the yarn of first leg, start combining the body with the yarn of the second leg.

23) 11 sc from second leg, 2 ch, 28 sc from first leg, 2 sc to chains, 17 sc from second leg (60)
24) sc in each st around (60)
25) 4 sc, inc, 12 sc, inc, 23 sc, inc, 18 sc (63)
26-32) sc in each st around (63) (7 rnds)
33) (19 sc, dec)*3 (60)
34) sc in each st around (60)
35) (8 sc, dec)*6 (54)
36) sc in each st around (54)
37) (7 sc, dec)*6 (48)
38) sc in each st around (48)
39) (6 sc, dec)*6 (42)
Continue with brown color
40) sc in each st around (42)
41) (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
42-43) sc in each st around (36)
44) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
45-46) sc in each st around (30)
47) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
Fill with the fiberfill. Fasten of.
ARMS: (2 pcs)
Start with brown color
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (8 sc, inc)*2 (20)
5) (9 sc, inc)*2 (22)
6-8) sc in each st around (22)
9) 4 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec, 4 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec (18)
10-11) sc in each st around (18)
12) (7 sc, dec)*2 (16)
13-14) sc in each st around (16)
15) (6 sc, dec)*2 (14)
16-24) sc in each st around (14) (9 rnds)
Fill with the fiberfill.
25) Fold the part in half and 7 sc (7)
Cut the yarn and hide.
Start with a color you want
1) 12 ch, start with the 3th chain from the hook: 10 dc, 2 ch, return (10)
2-14) sc in each st around (10)
Double it. Make single crochets with a different color to around it. Wrap the yarn in the middle.

22 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba

Patched Tiny Dog (Free Pattern)

FREE English Pattern
Hello amigurumi lovers ...
I share this patched tiny dog's pattern with you in English :)
I would like to thank @barberry_store owner of the pattern that allows to share.
English Translation  @samyelidesign

*Yarn: YarnArt Baby and Alize Softy
*Hook: 2 and 2.5 mm
*Eyes: 8 or 10 mm
*black color yarn

st: stitch
mr: magic ring
sc: single crochet
inc: increase (2 sc in the next st)
dec: decrease
( )*6 :  Repeat whatever is between the brackets the number of times stated
yarn A - body color
yarn B - color of the ear and gas
Start with yarn color A
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7) (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
8) (6 sc, inc)*6 (48)
9) (7 sc, inc)*6 (54)
10-17) sc in each st around (54) (8 rnds)
18) (8 sc, inc)*6 (60)
19) (9 sc, inc)*6 (66)
20-22) sc in each st around (66) (3 rnds)
Place eyes between round 17th and 18th leaving 7 sts between them
23) (9 sc, dec)*6 (60)
24) (8 sc, dec)*6 (54)
25) (7 sc, dec)*6 (48)
26) (6 sc, dec)*6 (42)
27) (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
28) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
29) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
30) (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
31) (sc, dec)*6 (12)
32) 6 dec (6)

Start with yarn color A
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (3 sc, 3 inc)*2 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) 3 sc, (2 sc, inc)*3, 3 sc, (2 sc, inc)*3 (30)
6-7) sc in each st around (30)
We sew the muzzle to the head, we fill.  Embroider the nose.

EARS: (2pcs)
One ear - color A
Second ear - color B
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6-8) sc in each st around (30) (3 rnds)
9) (3 sc, dec)* 6 (24)
10) sc in each st around (24)
11) (10 sc, dec)*2 (22)
12) sc in each st around (22)
13) (9 sc, dec)*2 (20)
14) sc in each st around (20)
Connect the edges with single crochets.  Sew on.

Start with yarn color B
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) sc, 5 inc, 4 sc (15)

Start with yarn color A
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7-9) sc in each st around (36)
10) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
11-14) sc in each st around (30)
15) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
16-17) sc in each st around (24)
18) (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
19-20) sc in each st around (18)
21) (sc, dec)*6 (12)

Start with yarn color A
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
6) (4 sc, inc)*6 (36)
7) (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
8-10) sc in each st around (42)
11) (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
12-15) sc in each st around (36)
16) (4 sc, dec)*6 (30)
17-18) sc in each st around (30)
19) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
20-21) sc in each st around (24)
22) (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
23-24) sc in each st around (18)
25) (sc, dec)*6 (12)

REAR LEGS:(2 pcs)
Start with yarn color B
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) (2 sc, inc)*6 (24)
5) (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
Continue with yarn color A
6-8) sc in each st around (30)
9) (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
10) (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
11-20) sc in each st around (18)
21) (sc, dec)*6 (12)

FRONT LEGS: (2pcs)
Start with yarn color A
1) magic ring and 5 sc into it (5)
2) 5 inc (10)
3) (sc, inc)*5 (15)
4) (2 sc, inc)*5 (20)
5-7) sc in each st around (20)
8) (2 sc, dec)*5 (15)
9-20) sc in each st around (15)
21) (sc, dec)*5 (10)

Start with yarn color A
1) magic ring and 6 sc into it (6)
2) 6 inc (12)
3) (sc, inc)*6 (18)
4) sc in each st around (18)
5) (sc, dec)*6 (12)
fill the fiberfill

19 Mayıs 2019 Pazar


Free English Pattern

Hello amigurumi lovers ...
I share this chubby fish's pattern with you in English :)
I would like to thank @buketilerengarenk owner of the pattern that allows to share.
English Translation  @samyelidesign

-Lanosa alara 937 (for body and head)
-Gazzal baby coton 3411-3412-3414-3422-3432(for clothes, pacifier and baby bottle)
-Nako sphagetti effect 75533 (for hair)
❤️2 mm hook
❤️3 mm needles
❤️12 mm eyes

st: stitch
mr: magic ring
sc: single crochet
inc: increase (2 sc in the next st)
dec: decrease
ss: slip stitch
( )*6 :  Repeat whatever is between the brackets the number of times stated